A Reliable Acoustic Path Vector Sensor Sonobuoy System is desired for sensing acoustic vibrations above 25 db in the frequency range of 5 to 500Hz for noise detection below 6000 meter ocean depths. The proposed device will be hard-wired to the surface of the ocean where an RF link will be established. The proposed solution will be manufactured using NexGenSemis unique laboratory capabilities to develop an acoustic sensor that could detect frequencies in the appropriate range with the possibility of extending that range by taking advantage of the dynamic manufacturing techniques available. The device will be made using monolayer graphene grown on a semiconductor substrate. The device will be capable of producing a signal that can later be processed to give a vector of origin of the acoustic vibration. If two of these systems were to be used in conjunction, pinpointing of the origin through signal processing could be produced. This device has the potential for future military application within the confines of the atmosphere, and commercial aspects available as well. The small size and the revolutionary properties of graphene will make the device more energy efficient and produce a highly desirable signal to noise ratio.
Benefit: High sensitivity, robust, low power acoustic vector sensor
Keywords: nanoribbon, nanoribbon, Sonobouy, mechanical, nano, Acoustic vector sensor, grapheme