The technical objectives of the proposed Phase I program are: to evaluate and design a multiple-beam electron gun capable of generating approximately 1 A of beam current at a low voltage of 5-7 kV suitable for use in a broadband Ka-band amplifier, to perform beam-wave interaction studies to ensure the resulting beam-forming/circuit design will generate RF output powers in excess of 500 W over a minimum of 5-GHz bandwidth, to optimize the beam transport system to minimize size and weight with the goal toward 0.5 kW/kg, and to develop a preliminary mechanical layout from which an engineering plan can be generated and implemented in Phase II.
Benefit: The Phase-I program will firmly establish the electron gun and beam transport system design and will also define potential amplifier performance characteristics, if used in conjunction with the gun and magnet. A preliminary Phase-II engineering plan will also be provided as part of the Phase-I program. If demonstrated, such amplifier with these characteristics would represent a major breakthrough in state-of-art amplifier performance. Such an amplifier will provide the warfighters with new capabilities, heretofore unavailable
Keywords: Ka-band, Ka-band, Broadband, coupled-cavity TWT,