Real-Time Sensor Data Processing and Compression Performed On-board Unmanned Multirotor Aerial Relay (UMAR)Award last edited on: 9/19/2022
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$1,089,993Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
AF131-132Principal Investigator
Richard BillingsleaCompany Information
Dragonfly Pictures Inc
600 West 2nd Street
Essington, PA 19029
Essington, PA 19029
(610) 521-6115 |
info@dragonflypictures.com |
www.dragonflypictures.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Delaware
Congr. District: 05
County: Delaware
Phase I
Contract Number: FA8650-14-M-1723Start Date: 11/1/2013 Completed: 8/1/2014
Phase I year
2014Phase I Amount
High Performance Computing hardware is a $10 billion dollar market that is growing at 8% per year according to market research firm IDC. In addition, the market for High Performance Cloud Computing hours is currently $177 million, and growing at 71% per year, again according to IDC. Among the end markets for HPC, the Federal Government is the largest, buying over $2 billion of High Performance Computing hardware per year. The K-128 processor will be tested using video processing software and ISR data to serve automate real-time identification, tracking, and selection of regions of interest. The K-128 brings a 100x performance per watt advantage.
Phase II
Contract Number: N68335-22-C-0128Start Date: 1/10/2022 Completed: 5/3/2023
Phase II year
2022Phase II Amount
Anticipated benefits of this SBIR will be to conclude the developmental work on UMAR, while including additional features. UMAR has successfully demonstrated that it can extend maritime communications: ship to ship, ship to shore, ship to UxV while performing autonomous flight. The new features will allow UMAR to fly in stronger winds and perform longer-endurance missions. The UMAR has similar commercial applications in the oil and natural gas industry, oil rigs, and other arenas where maritime broadband communication is required.
GPS denied, ship to ship communication, Secure communication, Sonobuoy, Autonomous, Maritime Communications, mine countermeasures, onboard processing