The Navy"s focus continues a decade-long shift from blue water to green water operations. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is a key component of this new focus, providing a flexible platform which can be configured to fulfil a wide variety of roles, including anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, mine countermeasures, and special operations support. Several of these roles require the LCS to remotely operate unmanned vehicles. No currently available radio system is capable of supporting the LCS and UVs in their mission. In this program, TrellisWare Technologies, Inc. will leverage its deep experience with anti-jam (A/J) waveform design as well the MIDS JTRS terminal to design, prototype, and demonstrate a next-generation, highly-robust A/J waveform that will operate on a MIDS JTRS-compatible module. At the end of the Phase I Base program, we will demonstrate the concept waveform in the final MIDS JTRS compatible hardware form-factor in a realistic jamming environment.
Keywords: Link-16, Link-16, JTRS, lCS, Waveform, Link 16, MIDS