Currently there is no tactical decision aid (TDA) for magnetic anomaly detection (MAD). Since the P-8A has no MAD capability, the planned approach to the localization phase of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) is to have the P-8A launch a MAD-equipped unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). However, the mission commander has no way to determine the likelihood that the UAV will be able to re-detect and localize the submarine. MAD Operational Effectiveness (MOE) charts were used in the past as part of mission planning; however, there are many other considerations than geology noise. The proposed TDA includes Area of Uncertainty (AOU); AOU growth due to time late; submarine type, heading, speed, and depth; search platform capabilities; and environmental noises and effects. The following, most of which are based on location, can be predicted: geology noise, core field values, and gradients; geomagnetic noise; reference-sensor-aided geomagnetic-noise reduction; and wind profiles, along with wave noise and perhaps buffeting noise. The P-8 parameters and the AOU will be input into the TDA, and the TDA will calculate the time late, the optimal search pattern, and the detection probability, and will recommend launch/no launch.
Benefit: A modified version of the TDA could be used for survey work, mapping, or wreck detection.
Keywords: MAD, MAD, magnetometer, P-8, UAV, Tactical Decision Aid, Magnetic Sensor, ASW