Multi-Function Mid-Wave/Long Wave Infrared Laser
Award last edited on: 10/31/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robin Huang

Company Information

TeraDiode Inc

30 Upton Drive
Wilmington, MA 01887
   (978) 988-1040
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: N00024-13-P-4598
Start Date: 7/31/2013    Completed: 1/31/2014
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
There is a compelling need for scaling the output of mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) lasers to much higher power, brightness, and energy. Applications of such sources include spectroscopic detection of the fingerprint 0x9D of molecular absorptions and infrared countermeasure systems in response to increasingly sophisticated seeker technologies and increased threat ranges. Existing, commercially available direct diode or semiconductor lasers have some of the most desirable attributes: highest efficiency, greatest compactness (small size, weight, and power or SWaP), and wavelength selectability from the UV to the mid-IR bands. The main disadvantage is poor output beam quality. TeraDiodes technology of Wavelength Beam Combination (WBC) effectively solves the poor output beam quality problem of direct diode lasers. We will build a dual-band MWIR and LWIR laser for this program based on WBC of high power quantum cascade lasers with an average/peak power of 10/20 W and high beam quality. TeraDiodes technical approach is scalable to much higher power and brightness levels.

The technology of high brightness multi-band semiconductor laser modules developed under this SBIR program is intended to be dual use for commercial and government applications. Commercial and government applications of this technology include infrared countermeasures, target illumination and detection, electronic warfare, chemical and biological sensing, LADAR, free space optical communications, and noninvasive medical diagnostic applications. The technology of high brightness long wavelength semiconductor laser modules developed under this SBIR program is intended to be dual use for commercial and government applications. Commercial and government applications of this technology include IRCM, chemical and biological sensing, LADAR, free space optical communications, and noninvasive medical diagnostic applications. TeraDiode will actively pursue these additional applications as defense R&D programs in this area develop the technology in the future.

high brightness, high brightness, Chemical and Biological Sensing, Wavelength Beam Combining (WBC), Long Wavelength Semiconductor Lasers, Long-wavelength infrared, Infrared Counter Measures (IRCM), Mid-wavelength infrared, Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs)

Phase II

Contract Number: N00024-15-C-4047
Start Date: 4/30/2015    Completed: 10/1/2019
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
TeraDiode is developing a low Size, Weight, and Power (SWAP) multi-band MWIR/LWIR laser module for NAVSEA under SBIR funding. TeraDiode is employing high power Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) bars in this laser module and WBC to combine the multiple wavelengths. The laser module is very compact and has three wavelength bands in the MWIR and LWIR as well as high power per band (>10 W per band average power, 20 W per band peak power).

There is a compelling need for scaling the output of mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) lasers to much higher power, brightness, and energy. Applications of such sources include spectroscopic detection of the fingerprint 0x9D of molecular absorptions, electronic warfare (EW), and infrared countermeasure (IRCM) systems in response to increasingly sophisticated seeker technologies and increased threat ranges. These threats include non-imaging and imaging IR guided anti-ship missiles (ASM). Existing, commercially available direct diode or semiconductor lasers have some of the most desirable attributes: highest efficiency, greatest compactness (small size, weight, and power or SWaP), and wavelength selectability from the UV to the LWIR bands. The main disadvantage is poor output beam quality. TeraDiodes technology of Wavelength Beam Combination (WBC) effectively solves the poor output beam quality problem of direct diode lasers.

Wavelength Beam Combination, high power, Quantum Cascade Laser, high brightness