We propose to develop cost-effective velocity vector sensor technology by reducing costs to the accelerometers within the device. By optimizing both crystal and hardware, single crystal materials costs can be reduced. TRS will also evaluate assembly of sub-structures to reduce labor through automation (i.e. pick-and-place or other bulk processing). Through modeling and prototype assembly, and development of a cost model, key factors in accelerometer costs will be determined and possible solutions to reducing these will be provided at the end of the program. The prototype built will be compared with legacy devices to insure performance meets requirements.
Benefit: Single crystal piezoelectrics enable low-noise, highly-sensitive and very small velocity vector sensors needed by the U.S. Navy. By identifying the main cost factors in production and establishing processes to reduce cost while maintaining performance, insertion into the fleet (such as thin-line towed array) can occur much more quickly. As costs come down, additional commercial applications will help to reduce costs as production volumes increase. Commercial applications include accelerometers for aerospace and industrial vibration sensing.
Keywords: cost effective, cost effective, PMN-PT, vector sensor, piezoelectric single crystal growth technology, Accelerometer, shear