TRS proposes to develop a countermeasures transducer of approximate spherical shape from single crystal piezoelectrics from one of two designs. Using the advantages of different crystal modes, TRS can leverage knowledge from similar programs based on cylinders to produce small, high power and broadband projectors with uniform vertical and horizontal beam patterns. We will develop both the acoustic modeling and fabrication techniques and fixtures in Phase I, and build and test a prototype to demonstrate acoustic performance in water.
Benefit: The commercial potential for this technology exists for both the material and the form factor of the acoustic transducer. The resonance mode of the crystal allows for a reduction in transducer size, which is applicable to space-constrained operations such as down-hole drilling, such as oil or gas, and sonar for unmanned vehicles. The
Keywords: acoustic source, acoustic source, Sonar, Countermeasures, single crystal, PMN-PT, Spherical, transducer