Ultra-compact narrow-line diode laser modules for cold atom sensors
Award last edited on: 9/2/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
K Jeremy Hughes

Company Information

Triad Technology Inc

640 South Sunset Street
Longmont, CO 80501
   (720) 474-0717
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Boulder

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-12-C-0012
Start Date: 10/11/2011    Completed: 4/11/2012
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Despite the advancement and offerings of commercial laser technology, the need persists for a high-power, narrow-line laser module that is both compact and robust for enabling portable cold-atom based sensors. Triad Technology, Inc. proposes a compact laser module based on DM laser technology that would meet the criteria required for performing research and sensor development with cold alkali atoms.

The research and development described herein will provide a compact laser module that meets the specifications for working with cold and ultracold matter. This laser technology will enable development of cold atom devices for portable sensor applications. It is anticipated that this technology will also benefit laboratory-scale research projects.

BEC, BEC, Narrow Linewidth Diode laser, Compact laser Sources, Cold atom laser system

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-13-C-0207
Start Date: 8/29/2013    Completed: 9/15/2014
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The sophisticated laser systems required for producing cold and ultracold matter represent a major complexity in the quest to transition cold atom sensor technologies from the lab to the harsh environments of the real-world. There is a substantial need for compact, robust, and easy-to-implement laser modules for cold atom research and application development. Triad proposes an ultra-compact semiconductor laser module that can be locked to an atomic transition and would meet these criteria.

This work will provide a compact laser module for producing and working with ultracold matter. The laser module will simplify the process of building and implementing a large variety of ultracold atom experiments. The laser module will also provide cost and time savings allowing researchers to refocus valuable resources. This device will be an enabling technology for developing advance applications based on cold and ultracold matter.

Spectroscopy, Magnetometry, laser module