Navy acoustic research and test laboratories, such as those at the Acoustic Research Detachment (ARD) and the Southeast Alaska Acoustic Measurement Facility (SEAFAC), use large, high gain hydrophone arrays to measure and characterize the radiated acoustic signatures of full scale and small scale submarines. Existing arrays have primarily been designed for low to mid frequency measurements (e.g., below 10 kHz). This SBIR topic seeks development of a very high frequency 0x9D (VHF) high gain acoustic array which would eventually be integrated into the permanent test infrastructures at facilities such as ARD and SEAFAC. APS proposes development of a VHF High Gain Array (VHGA) that is intended to provide high gain and precision resolution in low ambient noise environments and that will maintain performance over extended deployments. The proposed VHGA uses a conical baffle with variable sensor spacing to meet the high array gain requirements of the system over the 10 80 kHz band of operation. APS proposes development of custom transducers and electronics with extremely low electronic noise to allow the array to be ambient limited even in low noise environments.
Benefit: The proposed VHGA system concept would provide a unique capability to acoustic test facilities permitting measurement and diagnosis of low amplitude high frequency radiated signatures. Additionally, the proposed concept could potentially serve as the basis for high gain, high frequency, broadband acoustic intercept receiver.
Keywords: Volumetric Array, Volumetric Array, hydrophone, very high frequency