Infinia Technology Corporation (ITC) proposes to develop a free-piston Stirling cryocooler with an innovative electrical power generation scheme that is integral with a low-temperature stage of the cooler itself. This Low Temperature Power Production Module (LTPPM) will enable the power to be generated at temperatures relatively close to the use temperature, significantly reducing the parasitic thermal load due to lead losses that provide power to the low-temperature stage of the cryocooler. In this case, only a small temperature difference on the order of 25°C exists across the leads, compared to over 300°C in conventional systems. ITCs proposed cryocooler has multiple stages at about 70°K for the 1st stage and 20 to 30°K for the 2nd stage, to support a 4°K 3rd stage temperature.
Keywords: Cryocooler, Cryocooler, Cryogenic Electronics, Stirling, Free-Piston, Electrical Generator, Thermodynamic