Although the performance of naval systems for Anti-Submarine Warfare and Counter-Torpedo Detection, Classification, and Localization systems are presently adequate for current missions they are limited by the size, power and detection range of the associated sonar transducer arrays. What is required for the emerging missions are approaches that will reduce the volume and weight of present arrays while improving the pulse duration, high power duty cycle reliability and bandwidth with the ease of transmit beam steering. The Phase I approach will identify and model new materials and / or approaches that will produce the desired high power, bandwidth and directional sound transmission at high duty cycle and pulse duration. This baseline will be sufficient for validation in a Phase II program by fabricating and testing viable transducer prototypes and a full transducer array. The Phase I baseline will also be evaluated for any potential shortfalls in the transducer / array selected with special attention on thermal analysis modeling to predict service life, reliability and development risk in addition to establishing a low manufacturing cost. LewTech Company has teamed with Ultra Electronics - UnderSea Sensor Systems, a major supplier of ocean deployed sensors, to enhance the study approach and product commercialization.
Benefit: The overall DoD and commercial market need for such transducers, is considered to be substantial in enhancing various Navy missions as well as filling a commercial market need for high-performance transducers. Such projector transducers would be applicable to researchers engaged in acoustic sub-bottom profiling to characterize sedimentation, silt depositions and ocean bottom structure. Other possible applications could include fish finding applications, acoustic propagation studies, long range acoustic communication, and seismic surveys in support of geophysical prospecting for exploration of petroleum and natural gas in deep water sea and delineation of the continental shelf.
Keywords: directional beams, directional beams, Array, vector projector, high power, high duty cycle, transducer, reliable