API Engineering LLC is proposing an innovative oxygen source for fuel cell systems that uses an aqueous chlorate solution for its oxygen storage composition. An innovative thermal/mechanical decomposition approach provides oxygen generation in a low risk and compact system. The approach is easily adapted to provide oxygen pressure/temperature conditions to match different fuel cells and fuel reformers. The integrated system requires less than 19 inches of length to provide 50 kg of deliverable oxygen in a 21 inch UUV. As a liquid composition refueling is straigtforward, allowing mission turnaround from outside with no need to open any hull joints. The approach meets required storage, operational, and safety requirements.
Benefit: safe thermally stable oxygen source, small package size, high oxygen content per volume, liquid solution allows ease of refueling, adaptable to both military and commercial fuel cell and oxygen source applications
Keywords: oxygen source, oxygen source, aqueous oxygen storage, acqueous chlorate solution, safe oxygen storage, chlorate oxygen generator, liquid oxygen source, Oxygen Generation, thermal decomposition