Trident Research proposes to develop an innovative Disposable Real-time Underwater Mine Explosion Locator (DRUMEL) capable of accurately detecting and localizing the detonation of an underwater mine that has been swept by the acoustic and magnetic influence of the Unmanned Surface Sweep System (US3). The capabilities of a system to meet these requirements are an achievable extension of in-water scoring systems developed and fielded by Trident Research. In Phase I, we will examine the technology currently available to meet the requirements provided in the solicitation, and identify appropriate trade space for the design.
Benefit: By the completion of Phase III, the technology developed here promises a commercially viable mine detonation locator system designed to detect and localize the detonation of a swept underwater mine, designed for cost-efficient manufacture, that meets all required environmental and safety standards.
Keywords: Sensor, Sensor, Unmanned Surface Sweep System, US3, Underwater, Wireless, Acoustic, mine detonation, LCS Mission Packages