Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2016)
Phase II Amount
Our proposal describes a systematic method to demonstrate how these conflicts and challenges to designing and developing a few-vs.-few model for air-prosecuted ASW can be overcome in a manner that will meet the needs of NAVAIR as the immediate sponsor as well as provide value as a model for other communities within the Navy and elsewhere across Government and industry. Our proposed approach to create the objective model is predicated on two factors. First, it involves innovative approaches to representation that extend the modeling of system performance and human behavior to capture, in a single tool, the interaction of dissimilar actors engaging in diverse decision-making processes across different environments. Second, it relies on disciplined approaches to model development that fairly consider and balance analytical motivations, competing requirements and technical alternatives such that software can be designed and implemented or perhaps re-used as appropriate to provide both near-term functionality and enduring utility. The end-product would be a functional model developed initially to support the analysis of air-prosecuted ASW but readily extensible by an anticipatory design to support the analysis of additional domains.
Keywords: Stochastic, Stochastic, Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Modeling And Simulation Tool, Few-Vs.-Few Simulation