We propose to develop techniques and equipment for fully automated retrieval, refueling/ recharging, and relaunch of a miniature VTOL UAV. Our proposed method would be suitable for use on a small platform such as a pickup truck, or a small boat in a choppy sea. It would allow the ground-handling cycle to be performed remotely with no manual intervention, and so enable extended missions through remote unattended sites. Phase I work would evaluate concepts with prototype hardware, and do aerodynamic testing and flight-control analysis. Phase II would then implement and demonstrate the selected concept.
Benefit: Miniature VTOL aircraft promise substantially to reduce acquisition and deployment costs for robotic-aircraft systems, while offering unprecedented capability. Consequently they may well make robotic aircraft competitive in multiple new applications for which current designs are uneconomic. Commercial possibilities include ship-based imaging reconnaissance, geomagnetic survey, weather reconnaissance, and atmospheric research.
Keywords: UAV, UAV, aircraft retrieval, OAV, Aircraft Launch, MAV, robotic aircraft, Tiltrotor, Flexrotor