Reduced Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Motions for Reliable Recovery
Award last edited on: 11/6/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Douglas E Humphreys

Company Information

Vehicle Control Technologies Inc

1902 Campus Commons Drive Suite 120
Reston, VA 20191
   (703) 620-0703
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Fairfax

Phase I

Contract Number: N65538-08-M-0037
Start Date: 3/4/2008    Completed: 8/6/2009
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
USVs will be launched and recovered from the LCS in sea states up to 4. A number of efforts, including previous SBIR projects, have focused on USV recovery by the LCS. None of the efforts has focused specifically on reducing the relative motion between the USV and the mother ship. The objective of the proposed work is to reduce the relative motion between the USV and LCS during recovery to increase the probability of recovery. The technology solution that is proposed here is a Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) control system that synchronizes the relative motions between the USV and the mother ship using the USV control system. VCT is uniquely positioned to provide a solution to this problem with its extensive track record of developing high fidelity hydrodynamic and dynamics simulations for use in control system design and testing. VCT is a leading provider of vehicle control systems for US Navy systems. We have delivered 14 Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) software suites to a wide variety of contractors over the past decade. These systems range in size from the man-portable Nekton 3 0x9D Next Generation Countermeasure to the 46 0x9D square LExUS UUV and the Cutthroat Large Scale Vehicle (LSV-2).

The proposed MIMO control strategy will provide a rigorous foundation for the successful development of a relative motion USV recovery system. By accounting for the control loop interactions inherent in such systems, a successful control strategy can be developed using the VCT high fidelity simulation. This will save time and dollars in the development of this new technology and reduce the risk. If successful, this concept will provide reliable launch and recovery of Unmanned Surface Vehicles with minimal risk to personnel, environment, and fuel integrity. The vehicle maneuvering and control concepts developed here include autopilot and simulation software implementations that have future applications both within DoD and in the Private Sector. The VCT business strategy is to leverage its UUV and USV technology development efforts to provide cost effective G&C hardware and software products to DoD that are built around core code software. This approach has been in place for the past 5 years with each subsequent G&C delivery increasing capability, reliability, while lowering development and ownership costs. This approach provides the Navy with a documented audit trail when it comes time to certify these systems for fleet acquisition. As a result of our previous SBIR awards, VCT is currently applying for patents to protect these properties. VCT has also engaged a business strategy consultant to evaluate the tradeoffs between either licensing our technology, setting up our own manufacturing capability, or subcontracting the manufacturing but assembling and shipping the finished units within VCT.

MIMO, MIMO, recovery, dynamic simulation, lCS, USV, relative control, launch

Phase II

Contract Number: N00024-10-C-4133
Start Date: 6/11/2010    Completed: 6/10/2011
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The overarching objective of the Phase II proposal is to design, build, and demonstrate a relative motion reduction system based around the USV control system. Since LCS will not be immediately available for testing, an alternative approach to demonstrate the technology is to use smaller craft for testing purposes. The base program is designed to extend the tools developed in Phase I into a simulation based on VCT simulation architecture that can analyze the relative motions of two surface craft in 6 degrees of freedom. With this more rigorous capability, the concepts evaluated in Phase I can be analyzed in the three dimensions required for a docking scenario - to bring a specific point on one boat to meet a specific point on the other boat. During this program, a relative motion control system will be designed and implemented in simulation. After a successful simulation, a relative motion sensor will be obtained and the system will be demonstrated in-water. In addition, motion prediction techniques will be investigated to determine the feasibility of autonomously timing a docking approach.

Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) crews face difficulties when executing small boat recoveries in sea state. Reducing relative motion between a ship and a USV directly impacts the operational availability of the USV, because it can be launched and recovered or refueled when conditions would not otherwise allow without this technology. This translates into increased capability for the platform. In addition, it will potentially facilitate safer operations, higher sea state operations, reduced crew manning on LCS. LCS USV operations are not the only possible use of the technology. If the proposed approach is successful, a general technology will be available for autonomous surface craft operating at close quarters with other vessels.

USV, unmanned surface vehicle, lCS, recovery, relative motion