This SBIR Phase I project is to prove the feasibility of an innovative weld monitoring technology. This innovative technology is characterized by (1) an innovative non-transferred arc sensor which responds to both surface conductivity and sensor-to-joint distance and can be used to monitor the joint geometry and possible surface contamination such as paint, oil, sand, etc. and (2) an innovative mechanism for determining the location of the arc root in relation to the joint geometry based on arc current and voltage waveforms. While the joint geometry and surface condition are the major variables whose deviations affect the arcing condition, the arc root location and arc current can be considered the results of their effects. The proposed monitoring method thus simultaneously monitors both the causes and results of possible arcing condition deviations.
Keywords: Surface Contamination, Lack Of Penetration, Weld Geometry Control, Joint Geometry, Weld Quality, Wire Extension, Welding Current, Signal Processing.