The Navy has identified a need for the ability to locate a network of sonobuoy sensors that does not require GPS (Global Positioning System). Commercially, NanoVision Technologies, Inc. is leading efforts to provide geolocation and weather information to aircraft, boats and trucking industries using inexpensive but reliable miniature, extremely low power solutions. NanoVision is developing a new, revolutionary geolocation technology called the FindMe Radio. The FindMe Radio technology utilizes a combination of several key technologies that overcome the limitations of GPS (Global Positioning System) to achieve geolocation anywhere, indoor or outdoor. We will examine Radio Direction Finding (RDF) / TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) based approach and contrast this approach with Distance Measuring Radio (DMR) to identify the best possible solution for geolocation of sonobuoys with minimum impact to the current sonobuoy architecture. Current RDF techniques do not have the accuracy to reliably isolate multiple radio transmissions. In contrast, our FindMe Radio approach utilizes innovative TDOA technology that overcomes the need for large bandwidth, at least three measurements, and precisely known antenna locations. Likewise, our DMR technology provides superior accuracy using miniature, low-power wideband pulses with low probability of intercept (LPI/D). Under this SBIR, we plan to research each of these approaches to determine the best approach for sonobuoy applications.
Keywords: Sonobouy; Position; Tracking; Location; Drift; Current; Software Radio Signal Analyzer