The objective of this proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of producing a lighter, smaller and more efficient solid-state power amplifier for the JTIDS system that is flight qualified for the E2-D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft. Because space and weight is extremely critical aboard the E2-D Hawkeye Aircraft, the present JTIDS power amplifier with its massive size and weight is a prime candidate for a redesign effort. With present day semiconductor technology, a lighter, smaller JTIDS power amplifier design is possible that could possibly save as much or more than half the weight and volume of the present JTIDS high power amplifier, while preserving or enhancing the performance of the power amplifier.
Benefit: Significant weight and volume savings for RF amplifiers
Keywords: JTIDS high power amplifier, JTIDS high power amplifier, solid-state power amplifier, GaAs, LDMOS, lighter smaller JDIDS power amplifier design, Sic MESFET, GaN