An Innovative Flex Hose System for the Mk 48 Torpedo
Award last edited on: 3/6/2008

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Daniel J LeSieutre

Company Information

Nielsen Engineering & Research Inc (AKA: NEAR Inc~Nielsen Engineering and Research)

900 Lafayette Street Suite 600
Santa Clara, CA 95050
   (408) 727-9457
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Santa Clara

Phase I

Contract Number: N65538-07-M-0190
Start Date: 7/12/2007    Completed: 1/12/2008
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Nielsen Engineering & Research (NEAR) is proposing to develop a new flex-hose system that will allow USN submarines to deploy the Mk 48 torpedo in shallow water or in close proximity to the sea floor. A number of concepts are proposed that can potentially keep the flex-hose an acceptable distance from the submarine, sea floor, and surface during both transient and steady-state operation. To fully assess the feasibility of each design concept, a series of numerical analyses will be conducted using simulation tools currently available at NEAR. The simulations will predict the time-dependent motion of the hose end as a function of the torpedo speed, torpedo position relative to the submarine at the time of hose release, torpedo elevation above the sea floor, submarine elevation above the sea floor, submarine speed, and submarine maneuvering. Using these advanced simulation tools, NEAR will evaluate the performance of the proposed flex-hose designs, select the two with the most potential, and then focus on refining these designs for optimal performance. The Phase I contract will result in two designs which are ready for fabrication and at-sea testing during the Phase II effort.

Flex Hose, Communication Cable, Submarine, Tmd, Mk 48

Phase II

Contract Number: N00024-08-C-4151
Start Date: 9/30/2008    Completed: 9/30/2010
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In the proposed Phase II effort, Nielsen Engineering & Research (NEAR) will continue developing the two advanced flex-hose systems that were selected from the seven investigated during the Phase I feasibility study. The resulting system will allow the successful deployment of Mk 48 torpedoes from submarines that are traveling at high-speed or operating in close proximity to the sea floor. The system will keep the communication wire from fouling the submarine's propeller and control surfaces during all phases of torpedo deployment including the wire clearance maneuver, transition, steady-state tow, and postlaunch maneuvers. NEAR will use numerical simulations and sea trial development tests to optimize both of the systems during an 18-month development program. At the conclusion of this program, NEAR and Navy personnel will select the one design that best meets all of the operational requirements. During the last 6 months of the contract, NEAR will refine the selected design, select a manufacturing/commercialization partner, and develop a cost model that includes development, production, and life cycle costs. During the proposed Phase II Option, NEAR will conduct engineering qualification tests to demonstrate the flex-hose system's compliance to a design/environmental requirements matrix provided by the Navy.

Submarine, Torpedo, Flex-Hose, Communication Wire, Sea Trial, Numerical Simulations