Phase II Amount
The objective of SBIR Topic N07-019 is to develop innovative technologies to search antisubmarine warfare (ASW) testing and training ranges for the presence of whales and other marine mammals. The research will prove the feasibility of a special-purpose system for detecting whales from an aerial radar platform. Brainlike and its team members will design and develop a system which will include an aircraft, a radar, an ATR process, a tracking and localization system, and an operator console. The system will be developed by gathering and analyzing whale radar returns through various tests, determining hardware specifics, and building a prototype system. As part of the proposed effort, the system will be delivered to the Navy in the form of a demonstration, simulation, and prototype. Doing so will allow the Navy to research and evaluate its potential for a variety of other remote sensing applications.
Keywords: Whale Detection Radar, Whale-Friendly Asw Testing, Marine Mammal Protection, Whale Mitigation, Clutter Reduction, Auto-Adaptive Estimation, False Alar