Much web-based training that has been used by the military requires the trainee to grind through pages full of text while using common webpage controls. The result has proven to be largely unchallenging and uninteresting training that provides a questionable level of memory retention. This proposal describes a method for delivering a video-game based training tool that incorporates proven skills analysis with state-of-the-art brainwave monitoring technology allowing for more accurate assessments, a shorter learning curve and a significantly longer level of retention. As video games have become prevalent within our society, game based training tools have found a growing interest within the military community. Phase I will design the necessary system architecture and identify the appropriate prototype candidate to provide the military with real-life equipment training in an engaging and cost-effective synthetic environment. The system will control task difficulty and will score the trainee on the amount of time on a given task along with the amount of resources used to complete that task. The game system will combine the resources of BreakAway, Ltd. (BA), RTI International (RTI), and CyberLearning Technology, LLC (CLT), collectively, The Team, leaders in their respective fields of serious games, maintenance simulation training, and neurofeedback technology.
Keywords: Video-Game, Computer Simulation, Visualization, Brainwave Monitoring, Equipment Maintenance, Human Systems, Education, Neurofeedback Technology