High-Performance Passively Q-Switched Microchip LaserAward last edited on: 5/15/2008
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$79,981Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
N06-015Principal Investigator
Charles E HamiltonCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N68936-06-C-0058Start Date: 4/17/2006 Completed: 10/16/2006
Phase I year
2006Phase I Amount
As a result of this development, the Navy will have a supply stream of very small, telecom-like laser components that generate the required output very efficiently, and are constructed for long life (e.g. 10-year storage time) and for the demanding environmental conditions associated with aircraft and missile flight. One of the great achievements of the telecom industry is that telecom components have been brought up to the level of common electronic components. They are rugged and long-lived. Plus, they install to platforms, such as a circuit board, very easily, often involving four fasteners and two electrical clips which grab the pin outs all at once. We follow the telecom lead in this laser development, to generate a diode-pumped solid-state that is at this same level of maturity. The commercial opportunities resulting from developing of this compact, passively Q-switched laser are many. This laser, with its ability to generate very short pulses, is well-suited for laser range finding. With its small size and rugged construction, the laser, or an eye-safe variant of the laser, can be easily integrated into devices such as night vision equipment, surveillance systems, & LADARs. The laser imposes essentially no burden on the users, who are often troops, law enforcement officers, or border agents. A strong benefit of the Q-switched laser output is the ability to add nonlinear optics. This paves the way to harmonic frequency conversion, extending into the deep-ultraviolet, and infrared generation via parametric oscillators. Two of the most pressing problems that our nation faces domestic and foreign threats from explosives, and rampant drug trafficking. The need among the armed forces, border security and law enforcement is the ability to sense explosives, illicit drugs or associated compounds without endangering personnel. Fortunately, nearly all of these materials have strong absorptions in the ultraviolet and the thermal region of the infrared. With wavelength extension of the passively Q-switch laser, active standoff sensors of reasonable size and cost could be developed, giving military, border security and law enforcement personnel the ability to sense such compounds from a safe distance. The market potential for such sensors is very high
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00