Expendable Electro-Optic Infrared Camera SystemAward last edited on: 5/27/2008
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$1,399,225Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
N05-138Principal Investigator
Charles E HamiltonCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: N68335-06-C-0157Start Date: 2/15/2006 Completed: 8/15/2006
Phase I year
2006Phase I Amount
First, the Navy will be able to use these disposable cameras to assess threat situations anytime during a 24-hour day, in all sorts of weather conditions. Within other branches of the military, the cameras can be used for such missions as IED detection, which is a top problem in Army. Very big markets for low-cost cameras are anticipated for surveillance of our borders and ports, with the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Coast Guard being end users. In civilian markets, law enforcement surveillance has the best market potential, likely being on the scale of border and port security.
Low-cost, Disposable, Pan/Tilt/Zoom, ultra-sensitive CCD, UAV, LWIR, image stabilized, surveillance
Phase II
Contract Number: N68335-07-C-0273Start Date: 5/21/2007 Completed: 5/24/2010
Phase II year
2007Phase II Amount
Day/Night Camera, Illuminator, Thermal Imaging, High Resolution, Suav, Compact, Lightweight, Low-Cost