Develop a system that uses ShipConstructor and NEiNastran as the basis for analysis to determine optimum lifting and handling methods for panel, sub-assemblies and assemblies to reduce or eliminate distortion (both permanent plastic set and temporary elastic deformation).
Benefit: Currently this work is being done by 1 to 2 full time lifting, turning and and handling engineers at every shipyard in the world. Many of the smaller shipboard components do not get analyzed at all and the result is distortion which causes more time and labor to properly install. We anticipate eliminating 70 % of the man-hours now consumed for the calculation activity and a 10-20% reduction in fitup time due to better distortion control. The reduced calculation time will improve throughput and cycle time, reducing overall cost to build.
Keywords: on-board component loading/lifting, automation of distortion testing, distortion control., Shipbuilding, handling, lifting, reduction or elimination of on board component re-work, time and expense savings, re-configuration of load/pick-up points