A Fidelity Analysis Tool for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Training Systems
Award last edited on: 3/22/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert P Bateman

Company Information

Virtual Simulation and Training Inc (AKA: VSAT)

1538 Scottsgate Court North
Xenia, OH 45385
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Green

Phase I

Contract Number: N61339-04-P-0301
Start Date: 5/27/2004    Completed: 11/27/2004
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The F-35 presents many training challenges for both aircrew and maintenance due to its new and unique systems as well as multiple configurations. The F-35 Integrated Product Team is looking for innovative procedures and software tools that will aid in the Instructional System Design (ISD) of training devices to include the selection of the most appropriate levels of fidelity and the process by which the specifications will be developed. Based on its extensive experience VSAT is proposing an automated Fidelity Identification and Specification Development Process that begins with outputs of the ISD Process and descriptions of aircraft subsystems. The importance of the subsystems to each task along with the subsystem fidelity required for that task will be identified. Initially this will be based on interviews with aircraft operators and simulation experts, but full automation will be investigated in Phase I. This data will result in a preliminary fidelity baseline that prioritizes detailed requirements development. Detailed specification and verification requirements will be derived from the baseline through an automated process assisted by an interactive relational database. The process determines the optimum requirements based on cost, training objectives as well as the overall F-35 configuration.

Fidelity, Physical Fidelity, Functional Fidelity, Training Systems, Aviation Training Specifications, Simulator Fidelity, Expert Systems

Phase II

Contract Number: N61339-05-C-0123
Start Date: 9/8/2005    Completed: 9/8/2007
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Instructional System Development (ISD) Integrated Product Team (IPT), with its prime contractor the Lockheed Martin Company (LMCO), has initiated the definition of the complex JSF training system. The ISD process defines selected training media in high level terms, which do not define the fidelity requirements in sufficient detail to support preparation of performance specifications. The purpose of this SBIR is to “develop innovative procedures and software tools that will aid in … selection of the most appropriate levels of fidelity for the training devices and the process by which the simulator specification will be based on training objectives.” VSAT’s approach will optimize fidelity by identifying requirements that cost effectively support performance of training tasks and missions. Based on the work done in Phase I, as well as the needs of the JSF ISD process, the objectives of Phase II of this SBIR are to: develop the fidelity identification and specification process (FISP), develop a fidelity identification and specification tool (FIST) to support the process, integrate the FIST with LMCO ISD tools while automating the process to the maximum extent possible, and demonstrate and validate the process and tool.

Joint Strike Fighter, Fidelity, Training and Simulation, Pilot Training, Maintenance Trainintg, Force Cueing Systems, Visual Systems