Nelson Engineering proposes to research and develop a commercially-viable lightweight, portable filtration system capable of restoring hydraulic fluid to better than new conditions. Currently, hydraulic fluid is filtered at the 10-micron level. Our system will demonstrate the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of filtering to the sub-micron level with a filtration goal of 0.5 microns with a maximum water retention level of 0.05% saturation. We intend to maximize the use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) components to minimize development costs while maximizing repair parts availability. The incorporation of future technology advances is enhanced by the use of common industry components. Our system will use a number of technologies installed in tandem. This design will allow us to take full advantage of the unique capabilities and strengths of each component. The placement of hydraulic systems throughout the boat requires that the system be lightweight and portable and that the system be powered using standard electrical receptacles. We envision the entire purification system to be the size of a hand dolly. Simplicity, COTS usage, portability, and 120V electrical power all play pivotal roles in allowing for commercial marketing of the system. Benefits The market for a portable hydraulic fluid and lube oil purification device is sound. While the project utilizes COTS components that are readily available to many end-users, there is no currently marketed inexpensive, light-weight, portable, modular purification unit. A sizeable market portion is now excluded in small end-users who see no economic advantage in purchasing an expensive purification unit over paying for high recycling costs. Potential commercial clients are shipyards and repair facilities, bulk carriers, marinas, cruise ships, ferries, oil rigs, and other situations involving heavy hydraulic machinery in a marine environment. Military applications include marine avionics, naval surface vessels, coastal air forces, and military construction battalions. Keywords Hydraulic Fluid, Lubricating oil, Filtration , Purification, Filter, Submarine