The proposed Corrosion/Erosion Resistant (C/ER) coating is a multi-layered "Titanium-Nitride" coating that is applied to different compressor airfoils via a Cathodic-Arc Physical Vapor Deposition process. The C/ER coating has been applied to over 2000 Russian manufactured TV2-117 turboshaft engines and demonstrated significant operational savings due to decreased rejection of compressor airfoils, decreased fuel consumption and increased operational hours before engine overhaul. In addition, the C/ER coating recently completed a successful Foreign Comparative Test (FCT) test & evaluation program for application on a GE T64-419 turboshaft engine. The C/ER Coating process and composition can be optimized for different gas turbine engine compressor systems and subsystems. For example, the coating composition can be enhanced to provide greater corrosion protection and maintain erosion protection, and the coating application can be optimized for application on single compressor airfoils, vane segments, blisk rotors and centrifugal compressors.
Benefits: The anticipated benefits of the C/ER oapressor airfoil subsystems rejected due to corrosion or erosion; increased engine performance due to decreased compressor degradation, increased mean-time between engine repair and increased engine time-on-wing. These anticipated benefits can be realized for gas turbine compression systems and subsystems on military and commercial air, ground and marine vehicles.
Keywords: Erosion Resistant, Titanium Nitride Coating, Compressor Subsystems, Blisk rotors, Corrosion Protection, Gas Turbine Compressor Systems, Air, land and marine engine, Airfoil scrap rate