Piezoelectric Single Crystal Applications - Development of Highly Directional Sonobuoys Using Scalar, Vector, and Dyadic SensorsAward last edited on: 3/2/2007
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : NavyTotal Award Amount
$786,303Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
SB011-005Principal Investigator
James A McConnellCompany Information
Acoustech Corporation
4900 South Broad Street Bdg 6 Suite LL00
Philadelphia, PA 19112
Philadelphia, PA 19112
(215) 218-0516 |
N/A |
www.acoustechcorporation.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Philadelphia
Congr. District: 05
County: Philadelphia
Phase I
Contract Number: N00014-01-M-0135Start Date: 4/19/2001 Completed: 12/31/2001
Phase I year
2001Phase I Amount
Improve performance of tactical underwater surveillance platforms operated by the U. S. Navy.
Acoustic vector sensor, single crystal piezoelectric , conventional piezoelectric
Phase II
Contract Number: N00014-03-C-0472Start Date: 10/22/2003 Completed: 10/31/2004
Phase II year
2003Phase II Amount
dyadic sensor, directional sonobuoy, cardioid-squared beam pattern, single cyrstals, piezoelectric transducers, difar, vlad, dicass