Terrain Experts (TERREX) has developed an open-source database format, TerraPage, for terrain paging in database visualization applications. Applications include mission planning and military training and simulation, and commercial applications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and urban visualization. As a result of the Phase I SBIR, TerraPage now supports wavelet compression to reduce the size of the output database by as much as 95% with minimal degradation. TerraPage makes the generation and display of large databases with high-fidelity imagery possible on open-architecture Personal Computer (PC) hardware at much lower cost than existing proprietary hardware and software solutions. Terra Vista, TERREX' commercial database generation application, also now uses wavelet compression to improve the database generation process for the end user. The Phase I investigation has revealed promising directions for this technology, including embedding wavelet decompression in hardware, exploring additional wavelet algorithms, and further improvements to database generation and storage which are the basis of this Phase II technical proposal. TERREX has entered into an agreement with a major graphics chip and board manufacturer and a run-time application provider to investigate the possibility of embedding wavelet decompression in graphic display cards for the PC platform, for continued work on a Phase II SBIR.
Keywords: Terrain, Wavelet , Compression, Database Paging