Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. proposes to determine the types of magnetic core materials required to design and fabricate a current injection transformer capable of exciting various parts of a ships superstructure to act as a transmit antenna in the 2 MHz to 30 MHz frequency range. Conventional high frequency shipboard antennas occupy substantial volume, making them difficult to site on the ship without interfering with ship operations. Conventional anntennas have high maintenance and have a significant and distinct radar cross section. A current injection transformer is virtually maintenance free and would replace existing transmit antennas. By using the existing ship structure as an antenna, the current injection transformer provides HF communication and eliminates adverse operations, maintenance and RCS impact of conventional antennas. In Phase I the appropriate magnetic core materials will be determined and feasibility of the current injection transformer will be demonstrated
Benefit: Conventional high frequency shipboard antennas are difficult to site on the ship without interfering with ship operations, have high maintenance and a significant radar cross section. The transmit mast current probe is virtually maintenance free, has a significantly lower radar cross section and would replace the exisitng transmit antennas. The price of a transmit mast probe will be significantly less than the conventional shipboard HF communication antenna. The annual maintenance cost of the transmit mast probe will be a fraction of the conventional HF transmit antenna. Commercial applications include industrial and recreational maritime communications as well as other industrial and recreational HF communications systems.
Keywords: Current Probe, Current Probe, Mast, Transmit, Injection Probe, Current Transformer, Clamp-on, Current Injection Transformer, Transmit Mast Probe, Current, probe, HF, Transmit Probe