Wearable Language Translation System
Award last edited on: 8/9/2004

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert Palmquist

Company Information

ViA Inc (AKA: Key Information Delivery~Key Idea Development)

425 W Travelers Trail
Burnsville, MN 55337
   (952) 736-3100
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Dakota

Phase I

Contract Number: N00014-99-M-0009
Start Date: 10/15/1998    Completed: 8/15/1999
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Mobile Translator Mission Statement: To develop a near real-time, two-way, mobile, lightweight, robust and low-cost multilingual language translation device that can be operated with minimal training in a hands-free manner. The object of this Phase I research effort is to investigate the scientific, technical and commercial merit and feasibility of the system described in the preceding mission statement. Specifically, the team will investigate design options for the mobile translator, identify potential applications, and select the best option to pursue in making the design a reality. Three technical areas will be investigated; the mobile computer platform, the operator interface, and the language translation software. The commercial feasibility of this design will also be investigated. This includes identifying potential applications, languages to be supported, cost, and user requirements such as acceptable system weight and battery life. By combining both the commercial and technical elements, a complete definition of a successful mobile, near real-time language translation device will be achieved. A prototype system will be developed and demonstrated and a final report written documenting the Phase I results and recommendations for follow-on research and development in Phase II. Options are included for incorporating additional language pairs into the system and application specific terminology.

Phase II

Contract Number: N00014-99-C-0437
Start Date: 8/3/1999    Completed: 8/2/2000
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Mission Statement To develop and deploy an easy to use, near real-time, two-way, mobile, lightweight, robust and low-cost language translation device that can simultaneously support multiple languages, produce text transcriptions of spoken conversations, support full- duplex audio, and wirelessly connect to remote servers and platforms. The object of this Phase II research effort is to produce a commercialized product that meets the objectives listed in the preceding Mission Statement. The intent is to deploy this system into military, government and commercial applications. In Phase I, a system was developed that provides voice-to-voice language translation capabilities for a single language pair, English and German. Phase II enhancements will include the following: - Support of at least six bi-directional language pairs (suggested languages are German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French and Cantonese Chinese) - Support of single-direction translation for Japanese, Arabic, Korean. - Multi-platform support. - Increased speed and accuracy. - Improved microphone and speaker capabilities. - Improvements in the touchscreen interface. - A voice-based interface that has the same functionality as the touchscreen interface. - Use of server clusters for translation. - The use of voice to identify speakers. - Automatic generation of typed transcripts of conversations.

Applications include all individuals who require multi-lingual capabilities. The mobile translator will benefit a wide range of individuals including military personnel, airport employees, border patrol and customs agents, police, fire fighters, retail clerks, bank tellers, deliviery personnel, phone operators, tourists and any industry that sells, develops or manufactures products to/in global markets or employs individuals that do not speak the native language.

Language Translation, Voice Recognition, Hands-free Interface, Wearable Computers