The LCAC Full-Mission Trainer (FMT) is providing a cost-effective tool for training LCAC operators in normal craft operation and casualty mode conditions. However, the FMT was never validated with full-scale LCAC test data. Rather, the feel of the FMT was "tuned" by adjusting tuning coefficients in response to inputs obtained from experienced LCAC operators. The FMT training schedule combined with modeling limitations prevents the U.S. Navy from conducting in-house analysis on the impact of atypical LCAC missions, unusual paylod items or craft alterations, for instance. PC-based computers and software simulation tools have now progressed to the point where physics-based time domain dynamic simulation of the LCAC is no longer limited to mainframe computers and, thus, can readily be performed on desktop computers. PC-based programs must also be validated with actual craft data to maximize fidelity. It is proposed, therefore, that a PC-based simulation of LCAC motions be developed and that the actual test data necessary for subsequent validation of the dynamic simulation be obtained. The intent of the proposed Phase-I work effort is to identify the required test data and develop a test plan and data analysis plan which can be used to efficiently obtain the test data necessay for simulation verification.