BONN Corporation (BONN) has chosen to concentrate on a methodology that computes an optimal target search in near-real-time, with the capability of accommodating user-definable optimality based upon time / pathlength, probability of target detection target value, and survivability in a dense threat environment. This methodology will be extensible to address multiple airborne platforms and multiple target scenarios in the future. During the first part of Phase 1, the relevant target search principles and requirements, data sources, and air vehicle capabilities and limitations for performing an optimal target search will be researched and selected based on the user-defined problem. During the second part of Phase I, the extracted data and optimal search techniques will be used to develop a preliminary prototype of the Search for Mobile And Relocatable Targets (SMART) Module that will execute on equipment consistent with Navy combat computer architectures. BONN believes that careful knowledge engineering with experienced users can establish the true nature of the problem. Only from a thorough understanding of the problem can the developer build an effective algorithm. Applying academic solutions to operational problems is a nice exercise, but useful solutions must properly address the tactical and operational considerations encountered in the battle arena.