Communications networks within the Department of the Navy (DoN) have developed independently. There exists a need to integrate networks and systems to provide an integrated communications network supporting voice, data, image, message, and video services according to user requirements and command priorities. Existing modeling solutions have addressed specific communications areas, but have not, as yet, been applied globally for an integrated network. Advanced Visual Data, Inc. (AVD) has applied an innovative technique using the GPSS/H simulation language and proof animation to model complex networks, systems, and software under contract with commercial telecommunications companies, providing a visual presentation of the model using color icons in full motion, with associated statistical data. Upon conducting intensive research into specific navy systems and requirements, AVD will demonstrate the feasibility of its simulation/animation technique for modeling an integrated communications network for the DoN by producing a working prototype of a selected high priority area. The principal investigator and senior engineering involved have extensive experience in simulation and modeling specifically related to telecommunications networks and systems, and have published numerous works on the subject.