Rapid technology transition that causes technology obsolescence at the component level is an increasing problem. In this proposal, the project objective is to survey, develop, demonstrate and test an information parts management system that can be used for obsolescence management at component level. The final operational system will be designed to meet the CALS criteria for AUTOMATED, PAPERLESS and REAL-TIME information support. The working elements of this system capability will consist of COTS (Commercial off the shelf) hardware, software and electronic libraries, thus avoiding costly proprietary development and maintenance costs. All of the data and information tools described in this project can be centralized and networked Navy wide. The collective capability will provide REAL-TIME information tools that search, analyze and monitor component selection, usage and support. The application goal is to automate obsolescence management at component level. The infrastructure of information support will be transparent and adaptable to other component commodities. the investigation strategy utilized by this project will incorporate a vertical and horizontal assessment of Navy requirements. The vertical assessment will include surveying all of the facets of parts management for a major weapon system, e.g., F/A-18 maintenance, repair, operational, design/modernization and long-term support. The horizontal portion of the survey will include the analysis and assessment of Navy requirements at the Command level, e.g., NAC, NUWES, NSWC, NAVAIR, etc.. Based on the multiple facets of need within a large program and the different types of need at different Commands, TACTech will reconfigure a COTS system to meet the specific requirements for the various Navy Commands.