Boron combustion has the potential to provide the highest volumetric enthalpy among currently known fuels. In practice, however, this enthalpy has not yet been realized, due in part to long ignition times of boron particles. The proposed research program will determine the boron ignition mechanism and define the effect of coatings proposed as ignition aids. The ignition time and temperature in air for titanium-coated and fluorinated polymer-coated boron, compared with uncoated boron, will be determined for the first time using electronically heated boron filaments. The coated filaments will be cut into small pieces for single particle combustion measurements. Ignition and combustion times will be compared with this of micron-sized coated and uncoated boron single particles under a subcontract to this program. Complementary experiments will determine the ignition limit, burning rate, maximum explosion pressure, and oxygen consumption of air dispersed uncoated and fluorinated polymer-coated boron powder clouds in a consistent volume bomb. The effect of added aluminum, magnesium, titanium, titanium hydride powders of the uncoated boron explosion parameters will be measured and will provide a consistent picture of the cloud ignition and combustion propagation phenomena. Enhancement characteristics of a wide range of additives will be determined.