Engineering Geometry Systems is proposing research toward a system to reduce the time and cost of producing prototype parts for use in hydrodynamics experiments through a concurrent feature-based approach to manufacturing in which design and manufacturing information is embedded within part features. The research will be performed in three areas. First, formulation of fundamental feature-based manufacturing algorithms suitable for use by a CAD system end user. While existing feature-oriented systems address only design concerns or at best address existing feature-oriented systems address only design concerns or at best address will extend feature-based technology to address manufacturing a broad class of real world parts and encapsulate this information in user-oriented concurrent features. Second, the investment casting manufacturing process will be pursued using layered manufacturing within a feature-oriented process planning environment. Third, new techniques for solid simulation of 5-axis tool paths will be explored. These explorations will use the Alpha_1 geometirc modeling system, a powerful design and manufacturing system developed at the University of Utah as the design and manufacturing system developed at the University of Utah as the design and manufacturing system developed at the University of Utah as the technological foundation. Alpha_1 will insure full system functionality for this work even though the proposed research is directed towards several specific goals.