Research will be a continuation of the Naval Special Warfare functional analysis started in Phase I and will focus on the development of a multi-level, interactive, computerized Decision Support System (DSS) for evaluating Naval Special Warfare (NSW) architecture. Each NSW mission will be analyzed and decomposed into phases, events, and Required Operational Functions (ROFs). An analysis will be conducted of the current architecture to ascertain system's (platforms, weapons, sensors, life support, etc.) capabilities for development of NSW baseline architecture and a database for the DSS. The resulting system capabilities will then be allocated to the ROFs. The DDC will assess likelihood of event, phase and mission success. It will identify functional and system deficiencies, and cost-effective tradeoffs/options among systems. It will allow the decision maker to determine the sensitivity of mission success to changes in system capabilities. Potential resolutions to each shortfall will be identified and recommended as architecture options to the weapon systems architect and engineers.