The tactical air operations central - 1985 (taoc-85) engineering Development model (EDM) software/firmware is baselined to 1979 - 1980 Military documentation standards. Independent validation and verification (IV&V) of this complex program package is required. The first Phase of this small business innovative research program is to pre Pare an independent validation and verification plan which will sup Port the successful transition of the taoc-85 program into production. The phase I effort will develop a tailored IV & V plan for the 85 program which relates MIL-STD 483, 490, 499 documentation to the Dod-std-1679a data item descriptions. This plan will also describe The compartmentation of the computer program into units and modules, Where possible, approximating the requirements of dod-std-1679a such That current criteria on performance and abstracts can be applied. The iv & v plan will cover all conventional topical areas as well; Notably, baseline identification accounting and library procedures, test and simulation tools, design review procedures, personnel requirements, etc.