Dedicated 3-D Acoustic Multilayer Response Model
Award last edited on: 12/17/2014

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert S Dunham

Company Information

Anatech International Corporation

5435 Oberlin Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
   (858) 455-6350
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Phase I

Contract Number: N60921-85-C-0249
Start Date: 8/13/1985    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The safety of submarines requires that they be designed acoustically quiet to avoid detection. One method to reduce acoustic emission is to surround the hull with a viscoelastic layer. In order to access the effectiveness of these viscoelastic layers, it is necessary to determine the three-dimensional (3-d) surface complex impedance and acoustic loss as a function of frequency for a steady state harmonic input. This project will provide for the accurate assessment of the effectiveness of these viscoelastic layers by developing an efficient, modular, user-friendly, dedicated 3-d finite element code that is capable of determining the complex surface impedance as a function of the steady state driving frequency and accurate modeling techniques for these unique geometries.

Phase II

Contract Number: N60921-85-C-0249
Start Date: 6/1/1987    Completed: 6/1/1989
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The safety of submarines requires that they be designed acoustically quiet to avoid detection. One method to reduce acoustic emission is to surround the hull with a viscoelastic layer. In order to access the effectiveness of these viscoelastic layers, it is necessary to determine the three-dimensional (3-d) surface complex impedance and acoustic loss as a function of frequency for a steady state harmonic input. This project will provide for the accurate assessment of the effectiveness of these viscoelastic layers by developing an efficient, modular, user-friendly, dedicated 3-d finite element code that is capable of determining the complex surface impedance as a function of the steady state driving frequency and accurate modeling techniques for these unique geometries.