The planet Venus is an interesting target for scientific exploration. However, long-duration missions to the surface of Venus present a significant challenge to the power system due to its ambient temperature (390 to 485oC), high surface pressure of carbon dioxide (92 bar) and other corrosive gases. Therefore, conventional power technologies including photovoltaic power systems and the traditional batteries could not meet the requirement for Venus surface application. TalosTech LLC proposed to develop a high temperature all solid-state LiAl-CO2 battery with superior cell performance by using ambient carbon dioxide at Venus surface as a reactant at cathode, an innovative tri-layer solid state electrolyte framework as separator, and solidified lithium or lithium aluminum alloy as anode. During Phase I, the team has demonstrated the feasibility of a high-temperature solid-state Li-CO2 battery with super high area capacity (up to 24.3 mAh/cm2), good rechargeability and long durability of over 200 hours operated at CO2 atmosphere and 500 oC, which outperformed any other relevant battery technologies in this area. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a high-energy-density (948 Wh/Kg) and durable battery prototype, which can be operated under the tough conditions of Venus surface for more than 60 days. Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words): Because of the benefits of the proposed battery system in terms of superior high energy, low cost, simple system, high stability, long life, wide operation temperature, and low self-discharging rate, it can be applied for Venus surface missions for both short and long durations. This low-cost and simple system also can be used for other planetary exploration missions where there is enough CO2 in ambient atmosphere. Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words): This proposed Li-CO2 battery system can efficiently convert CO2 into solid carbon or CO with generating electricity efficiently. The technology would benefit the global efforts to develop renewable energy and address the challenge of climate change. Duration: 24