There is an urgent need to develop low-cost, damage tolerant, reusable and lightweight hot structure technology applicable to atmospheric entry vehicles, exposed to extreme temperatures between 1000° C to 2200° C. Advanced carbon-carbons (C-C) and carbon fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CMC) are the most promising and possibly the most affordable light-weight material candidates for these identified applications. Since mid-1980s, many advancements, including but not limited to (1) internal inhibition using glass forming particulates (2) oxidation resistant ceramic matrices and (3) advanced coating systems, have demonstrated and have significantly improved the performances of carbon fiber reinforced composites under oxidative environment at high temperature. Unfortunately, none of these SOTA CMCs even with the advanced and expensive coating system are inherently oxidative resistant with proven reliability and therefore are not capable to meet the challenges required by multiple usage applications. In Phase I, Allcomp proposes to demonstrate the feasibility of inherently oxidation resistant C-C and C-SiC composites capable to operate between 1000° C to 2200° C by fine-tuning our innovative nano-scaled glass forming and internal inhibition technologies using scalable and production-ready processes. Once proven, coupled with advanced adherent and crack free external coating systems currently being developed at Allcomp, this new class of CMCs will enable hot structures meeting the challenges of multiple uses applications up to 2000 °C (4000 °F) with significantly improved reliability at reduced risks. Potential NASA Applications Expendable and Re-usable Hypersonic Vehicles and the Scramjet - Hot structures for Aeroshell and Scramjet for both man-rated and unmanned vehicles Launch System Exit Cone and Hot Components in Engine Hot Gas Flow Path Advanced Exploration System - Hot structures to replace parasitic thermal protection systems, includes future planetary missions including Mars and Venus, primary benefit significant weight reduction Potential Non-NASA Applications Potential applications of hot structures for DoD and Commercial Space applications including: primary load-carrying aeroshell structure, control surfaces/ leading edges & fins, hot gas flow duct of the scramjet, and various components in engine hot gas flow path of the propulsion system such as hot gas valves, throat, and nozzle extensions.