Intellectual Merits: This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to develop an innovative Nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) Lead (PB) Lathanum Zirconium Titanate (PLZT) based uncooled broadband infrared (IR) detector (NEMS PLZT) with average QE>50% over the spectral range of 3µm 50 µm and detectivity D* greater than 5x109Jones. This device will have a broadband spectral range to support MWIR, LWIR imaging at high performance. The design realized in Phase I through modeling, simulations and process development for fabrication of test-chips will be full developed and fabricated in Phase II during which the NEMS PLZT photon detector will be demonstrated as an uncooled broadband IR detector for NASA applications. Broader Impacts: This device will help to reduce the cost for high performance broadband IR imaging and enable wider adoption for space and scientific applications. Applications include IR camera for MWIR, and LWIR imaging, which are used in IR sensors for earth science measurements and observations for NASA missions such AIRS, TES, ASTER, HyspIRI, Sustainable Land Imaging Technology (SLI-T) Landsat instruments, sensors, components, and measurement. Other application include military target detection systems for acquisition, tracking, and pointing of high power directed energy systems on next generation airborne platforms, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, LIDAR, remote sensing, satellite imaging, and the detection and monitoring of chemical and biological agents. In addition there are broad commercial sector applications including next generation automobile where this image sensor will enhance the safety of driver, passenger, and also pedestrian, security, biometrics, medical imaging, machine vision, and geo-science instruments. Key Words: LWIR, MWIR, Focal Plane Array, FPA, night vision, thermal imaging Potential NASA Applications Earth Science missions, atmospheric science AIRS (3.7-14.5 µm), measures air temperature and humidity for weather forecasts, and TES (3.2-15.4 µm), measurements of tropospheric ozone from space. ASTER (8-14 µm), for solid earth and hydrology science, and HyspIRI Mission, Visible-Shortwave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometer and a Multispectral Thermal Infrared (TIR) Scanner. Sustainable Land Imaging Technology (SLI-T) Landsat-9 Landsat-10 instruments, sensors, components, and measurement. Potential Non-NASA Applications Military and homeland security include target detection systems for acquisition, tracking, and pointing of high power directed energy systems on next generation airborne platforms, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, LIDAR, and remote sensing. Various commercial applications to benefit include Communications, Automobile, Medical Device and Scientific Imaging, Machine Vision, and Security & Surveillance market segments, which also includes the Aerospace & Defense.