Maneuvering Environment for Tiltwing Aircraft with Distributed Electric Propulsion
Award last edited on: 7/3/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
John Hauser

Company Information

Embedded Dynamics LLC

1031 East Moorhead Circle
Boulder, CO 80305
   (303) 492-6496

Research Institution

University of Colorado - Boulder

Phase I

Contract Number: NNX17CL61P
Start Date: 6/9/2017    Completed: 6/8/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The tiltwing class of aircraft consists of vehicles with the ability to rotate the wing and propulsion system as a unit a full 90 degrees from the standard fixed wing configuration to one in which the wing and thrust axisbecome perpendicular to the body axis. This thrust vectoring capability allows the aircraft to utilize thrust borne flight for vertical takeoff and landing as well as the conventional configuration for more efficient liftborne flight operations. The pitching moment is typically controlled by one or more propellers that is/are either mounted statically to the tail (Canadair CL-84) or attached to an articulated tail wing plane (NASAGL-10). In contrast to a tiltrotor, the lifting and control surfaces of a tiltwing are immersed in the slipstream of the attached propellors, potentially delaying the onset of stall during transitions and also allowing, for example, the ailerons to provide some yaw control in the hover configuration.Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) is a natural enhancement for tiltwing aircraft, where additional thrust can be used in vertical take-off and landing (and transition) operations and then scaled back (and tucked away) for conventional flight operations. The use of a centralized electric power plant for DEP leads to an increased payload capacity without large sacrifices in endurance and efficiency, all while maintaining its VTOL capabilities.Our goal is the development of a flight maneuvering system for distributed electric propulsion, toward this end we propose the development of model analysis and design tools and techniques focused in particular on the transition maneuvers. The proposed innovation will facilitate the development of analytical tools and methods with which to assess the tiltwing vehicles using DEP; this includes aerodynamic force and moment models for transition,dynamic simulations for trajectory exploration, and tools for trajectory optimization.

Potential NASA Commercial Applications:
(Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) GL-10 programThe foremost application for NASA would be for their own GL-10 prototype aircraft. A simulation environment designed to explore and optimize the maneuvering capabilities of a tiltwing vehicle with distributed electric propulsion would quicken the pace of development, advance the development of unique control concepts and facilitate the transition to larger scale vehicles.SCEPTOR programThe model and simulation environment can easily be modified to explore the maneuvering capabilities of other concept vehicle using DEP. Similarly control concept learned from this investigation could have direct applications to the SCEPTOR program.Remote Sensing Other applications include the use of tiltwing aircraft is planetary research, primarily inremote sensing applications where the lack of developed airstrips and range requirements make the tiltwingwith DEP a good fit.

Potential NON-NASA Commercial Applications:
(Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) Agriculture applications include spraying, fertilizing, frost mitigation, crop drying and monitoring.Power line surveying. With the extensive network of the electrical grid across the country the industry would greatly benefit from a vehicle capable of traveling long distances efficiently and being able to hover for close inspection.Package Delivery Numerous companies are developing automated delivery services using rotor type aircraft, currently these have highly restrictive range capabilities. The tiltwing aircraft with DEP can extend the range while maintaining the precision landing capability. This will reduce the number and density of the require distribution centers.

Technology Taxonomy Mapping:
(NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed by the SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It is a listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.) Aerodynamics Algorithms/Control Software & Systems (see also Autonomous Systems) Autonomous Control (see also Control & Monitoring) Avionics (see also Control and Monitoring) Command & Control Models & Simulations (see also Testing & Evaluation) Robotics (see also Control & Monitoring; Sensors) Simulation & Modeling

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount