The primary goal of the proposed project is to develop a thermal-to-electrical power conversion system that achieves 200-300 W of net electrical output, has >28% efficiency, and durability for life greater than 10 years in response to the S3.01 call of the NASA SBIRs. Due to the significant manufacturing and assemble cost reductions afforded by the TAPS architecture over traditional FPS systems, the TAPS solution could be used as a direct replacement over traditional thermoelectric or other Stirling based systems in space missions. Furthermore, the TAPS technology enables architectures that are difficult, or impossible with other systems. Specifically, TAPS can easily be utilized for a combined power and cooling duplex, and some preliminary designs have been created. Such systems would enable a sustained presence in extreme planetary environments such as the surface of Venus.
Potential NON-NASA Commercial Applications: (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) Nirvana Energy Systems is currently working to commercialize the NASA technology through an exclusive patent license granted for the Alpha-STREAM technology that the TAPS technology is partially based on. The NES TAPS technology could be easily adapted to home use where high efficiencies are possible and the unit would function as a micro-Combined Heating and Power system. In an installation such as this the TAPS unit could be natural gas fed where to achieve overall high system efficiencies the unit would utilize excess heat to provide heated water for potable needs or for hydroponic heating. Excess electrical energy production would be sent to the grid. Similar to application for home power generation, other applications include commercial businesses, military uses (vehicles and domesticated areas), and the transportation industry. In particular, these industries desire higher electrical outputs but the validity of the TAPS architecture afforded by this Phase I effort would offer strong evidence in the scale-ability of the technology. Moreover, the reverse cycle of the TAPS system could be used for cooling in many cases, including as a refrigerant free domestic cooling system.
Technology Taxonomy Mapping: (NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed by the SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It is a listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.) Actuators & Motors Conversion Generation Heat Exchange Lifetime Testing Machines/Mechanical Subsystems Models & Simulations (see also Testing & Evaluation) Prototyping Simulation & Modeling Tribology