Toward Autonomous Stable Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion Systems
Award last edited on: 1/9/2017

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Sanja Cvijic

Company Information

New Electricity Transmission Software Solutions (AKA: NETSS)

22 Weir Hill Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
   (215) 272-7969
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
We propose to introduce a unifying physics-based framework for modeling, simulating and digitally controlling the aircraft turboelectric distributed propulsion (TeDP) systems. The proposed modeling is sufficiently flexible and capable of zooming in and out to a different level of granularity necessary to capture the relevant dynamics at both component levels and interfaces. Particular emphasis is on ensuring fast transiently stable responses to major changes in aircraft system conditions, both nominal and off-nominal. At present such models do not exist, and are essential for designing control for provable performance. This approach promises to overcome today's disconnect between the aircraft dynamics and electric power system dynamics which we view to be the key roadblock to cleaner and efficient power production, delivery and consumption in future aircraft electric power systems. An Aircraft-Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (A-DyMonDS) framework will be introduced and simulated for several candidate aircraft electric power systems architectures. A higher-level coordinating optimization software will be used to coordinate set points of controllers within the electric power system, and embedded nonlinear digital control for power electronics will be proposed to ensure flexible and reliable power provision over the wide range of aircraft operating conditions, both nominal and off-nominal.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
We have demonstrated the ability of our Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DyMonDS) framework to structure a systems approach to the modeling and control of aircraft electric power systems. To begin, we selected two example aircraft power systems and developed dynamic models for those systems within the DyMonDS framework. Next, we derived optimized sets of control set points for the power systems. Each set of set points constituted an optimized allocation of resources under an assumed aircraft operating condition. A separate set of control set points was derived for each assumed operating condition. To do so the selected aircraft electric power systems were first mapped into equivalent terrestrial power systems. The NETSS optimization software for terrestrial electric power systems was then applied to optimize the aircraft power systems. Finally, we developed and stabilizing controllers for electric power system operation around each set point set. To do so, critical, and potentially unstable, aircraft electric power system dynamics were first identified for closed-loop control. Finally, the required controllers were designed and simulated to show that they indeed stabilized the dynamics around the prescribed set points. All accomplishments were greatly facilitated by the DyMonDS framework.