A Compact Safe Cold-Start (CS2) System for Scramjets using Dilute Triethylaluminum Fuel Mixtures
Award last edited on: 6/29/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Scott D Gallimore

Company Information

ACENT Laboratories LLC

80 Orville Drive Suite 100
Bohemia, NY 11716
   (631) 801-2616
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 02
County: Suffolk

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This proposal addresses the cold-start requirements of scramjet engines by developing a safe, energy-dense, and low volume hydrocarbon fuel conditioning system based on the hydrolysis reaction of water with triethylaluminum (TEA). TEA is an organometallic liquid that reacts exothermically with water and burns readily in air when not diluted in hydrocarbon mixtures. We propose to use the hydrolysis of nonpyrophoric dilute TEA/JP fuel mixtures in an integrated mixing/injection apparatus to heat and vaporize liquid hydrocarbon fuel to enable cold-start capability in regeneratively cooled scramjets. In addition, the hydrolysis reaction also produces ethane gas, which serves the dual purpose of atomizing any remaining liquid by effervescence as well as producing an ethane-rich injectant that is more readily ignitable than the vaporized JP fuel. Furthermore, since TEA is pyrophoric, any remaining TEA in the mixture could serve as an ignition aid once it comes in contact with air. Hence, through a straightforward hydrolysis mechanism, the proposed system would preheat and vaporize the fuel, atomize any remaining liquid through effervescence, add readily ignitable ethane to the mixture, and provide a potential ignition source with any TEA leftover from the hydrolysis reaction. The proposed Phase 1 and 2 research will result in the Compact Safe Cold-Start (CS2) system which will be a key enabling technology for future operational hypersonic vehicles.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposal leverages a highly successful Phase 1 feasibility effort to further develop a system that satisfies the cold-start requirements of scramjet engines. The system provides energy-dense, low volume hydrocarbon fuel conditioning based on the hydrolysis reaction of triethylaluminum (TEA) with water. TEA is an organometallic liquid that reacts exothermically with water and burns readily in air. In Phase 1, we demonstrated the hydrolysis of TEA in JP fuel within an integrated mixing/injection apparatus to heat and vaporize the liquid hydrocarbon fuel prior to injection in a regeneratively cooled scramjet, as well as auto-ignition of the mixture at elevated TEA concentrations. In Phase 2 we propose to more completely characterize the performance capability of the Phase 1 system using several hydrocarbon fuels to gather data for the design and fabrication of a palletized system. Testing of the palletized system in a direct connect scramjet rig will then be conducted to demonstrate engine ignition capability and to compare the system to other ignition systems under consideration for scramjet vehicles. Packaging in candidate flight vehicles will be carried out using 3D solid modeling to provide gravimetric and volumetric information and to provide designs for practical integrated, safe storage and dispense arrangements.