We propose the development of a capability which will allow ecosystem managers to share a map view in terms of location, magnification level, and data layers (to include local data and sources) throughout the community of COAST users. This capability will foster collaboration and allow rapid disseminate data to support operations, research, and analysis. Using a proven methodology (ref: Part 5: Related R/R&D) for gathering user requirements to drive development of appropriate solutions, the initial stage will involve collecting the task and purpose of the Environmental Managers utilizing the COAST software for determining priorities of work to meet needs. The creation of Use Cases will effectively capture this information in a method that can effectively convey scientific purpose into Information Technology (IT) requirements. These documents will provide an archive of needs that the end user requires while performing their tasks. From the Use Cases, working prototypes will be developed as proof of technology. These prototypes will allow ecosystem managers to provide direct feedback during the development lifecycle. The final product will be a COAST map sharing plug-in which has been defined by the ecosystem managers and refined throughout its development to ensure that it fulfills the needs of the user community. The effect is a shorter development cycle that meets or exceeds user expectation and provides the framework for further enhancements.